BJJ New Haven
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu New Haven
MMA New Haven
Boxing New Haven
Muay Thai New Haven
Martial Arts New Haven
BJJ New Haven CT
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu New Haven CT
MMA New Haven CT
Boxing New Haven CT
Muay Thai New Haven CT
Martial Arts New Haven CT
BJJ New Haven CT 06510
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu New Haven CT 06510
MMA New Haven CT 06510
Boxing New Haven CT 06510
Muay Thai New Haven CT 06510
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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Self Defense, MMA, Boxing, & Muay Thai Academy
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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an art based in ground fighting. Along with this, it teaches takedowns, takedown defense, ground control, and especially submissions. Submissions refer to holds that either cut off an opponent’s air supply (chokes) or look to take advantage of a joint (such as armbars).
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighters tend to feel very comfortable fighting from a position called the guard, if need be. The guard postion in essence, wrapping one's legs around an opponent to limit their movement is what allows them to fight from their backs so effectively, and is also something that separates their art from most other grappling styles.
IBJJF Black Belt Recognized Coaches. Learn about our coaches and training Philosophy